What is SEL?

Dear educators,

Have you ever considered to include SEL in your daily routine? Have you ever wondered how to start? I'll encourage you to start slowly, but to consider incorporating some of the strategies I'll share with you. Find out what SEL means and how much it will help you to change your students' way to learn. My intention, besides sharing resources to improve your teaching, is also to collaborate with you. Your feedback will be really appreciated, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any comments, ideas, questions, or suggestions. I will appreciate it!

Ms. Silvia Lima
slima@internationalcharter school.org

According to CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), SEL is "the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions." Watch the videos below to understand more the meaning of SEL through various perspectives.

Video 1 - Students and teachers explaining SEL.

Video 2 explains how students need to be aware of their emotions.

Video 3 describes the 5 keys to SEL.

Video 4 talks about the social and emotional competencies.

Video 5 - CASEL educators describe the importance of SEL.

Dear educators,
After watching these videos, I hope you will be willing to introduce SEL in your classroom. The resources shared here will help you to begin. I hope you will be a RISK-TAKER and don't forget to reach out for help if you need to! 

Silvia Lima

PS: The links below will also help you! 
SEL Coaching Toolkit

My 3rd graders demonstrating how they are 
by learning in two languages!

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Resources for La Cosecha 2021 presentation

Social  and Emotional  Learning Competencies Casel Framework How did we connect SEL and language?