Thursday, October 1, 2020


 How are you feeling about distance learning? Stressed? Overwhelmed? Frustrated? Anxious?

Read about SELF-CARE HERE. Some of these strategies are great to improve your negative feelings about distance learning.

Or use the InsightTimer APP to relieve your stress and anxiety, or even to sleep better. It is FREE!



Monday, July 13, 2020

Virtual Field Trip

Hi dear educators,

A Bitmoji Virtual Field Day is a great way to promote Social and Emotional Learning in a virtual setting! It also encourages participation and engagement. I hope your school will try it soon. Please share your ideas with me if you have done something similar.

Have a great summer! 
Have a great summer!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Staff Wellness Virtual Classroom.

ICS Physical Education teacher, Ms. Kim has created this Wellness Virtual Classroom! Click here to see her room.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Mindfulness - Relieve your Stress and Anxiety!! BE AWARE and PRESENT!

Dear educators,

This moment we are living now is definitely causing a lot of anxiety and stress. It is necessary to find ways to cope with the stress, so we can be as balanced as possible. The links below will show some ideas to practice mindfulness daily. I hope you can PAUSE everyday to be mindful about things we take for granted in our lives.
Stay at home!
Ms. Silvia

Monday, October 14, 2019

Setting up HOPES & GOALS for each trimester.

Dear educators,

At ICS we start the year in a positive way using our 6 first weeks of school to teach social and emotional learning strategies. During this time my students work on a PYP transdisciplinary unit titled "Who We Are" with the following central idea "The choices we make affect our growth and well-being".. Together we created our Essential Agreements, we discussed logical consequences, and we finally wrote our Hopes & Goals as an Individualized Learning Plan - ILP for each student. 
3rd grader sample in Portuguese

For a week, my 3rd graders reflected on their strengths, areas of improvement, hopes and goals, and finally their actions to accomplish their goals. We will keep track of this plan for the first trimester and review it at the end of each trimester. Students will take a copy home and share with their families.

At the end of the 6 weeks, ICS teachers are also required to send SEL progress reports home and to invite some parents to Parent-Teacher Conferences as needed. The example below shows how a  typical 3rd grader is graded by his/her social and emotional learning at ICS. Students are graded from 1 to 4. Students who get 2s or 1s in more than 2 standards are usually invited to a parent-teacher conference.

Here is a list of my students' goals for this trimester. They used the language of instruction, Portuguese, to write their goals. Most of their hopes and goals are social or academic. Being aware of these goals will help me to support them in the area they chose. I have color-coded the goals so it will be better for me to cluster them in small groups and held them accountable to keep track of their goals.

I have also included my own goal for this trimester, goal 24. I think as teachers we should be role models. Modeling how I will keep track of my goals will give my students some ideas for them to keep track of their own goals throughout this trimester.
How about you? What have you done to include the SEL standards in your daily routine? Please share your ideas HERE.
Ms. Silvia

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Teaching Kindness is possible!

Dear educators,
Do you want to incorporate activities to teach kindness and empathy to your students? Take a look at the link and explore videos and activities to use with your students! I hope you like it!

Share Your Ideas

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